October 4, 2015





Good morning families.

I hope you are all safe and dry with this crazy weather. Hopefully we are all taking this time to reconnect with our families and cherish this down time. It’s good for the children to be in their homes, without an agenda. It’s healthy for them to be with their things and unhurried. It might turn out to be a rewarding and silly day. Enjoy!

We welcomed a new friend Monday. Her name is Vaile, and the boys are so curious about her. She is pretty, sweet and smiles all the time! The boys adore her; they’ll gently touch her head and smile at her.

Our younger boys are so very busy. I’m struggling to get nice pictures. I just keep getting blurry action shots. Tripp has figured out how to take all the toys out of a basket, and cries and gets very angry when the basket is empty. I have tested my theory a couple times, and if I replace the basket he continues digging. I have shown him other baskets and he’ll get himself over to them, in order to happily empty.  It is so funny to watch him!

Elijah and Miles have all of us on our toes. They have discovered how to pull themselves up on everything. I’m so excited for them, but boy do they even make me nervous!

Ryan has enjoyed new work around our classroom, and he especially loves trying to use a spoon. He’s not quite got the hang of it yet, but very soon.

Chase has been taking advantage of our rainy days lately. He will go hang up his jacket and find a cozy place to watch the action from a distance. Then he’ll just drift off to sleep.

Our language lessons have been very interesting. Chase and Ryan have always been drawn to the baby dolls, but now they seem especially nurturing. We continue to work with our family books, and the children love them. They enjoy looking at each other’s books too. We have continued with our color lessons, as well as working on parts of the body, emotions, and pet animals. Ryan and Chase spent some time with our fish tank. Ryan was carrying around two orange blocks for a long time, and finally he decided to offer them to the fish.

There is a really interesting article I read recently discussing the value of having blocks in the home. Of course, we all know they are great for fine motor, confidence, and imagination. The biggest value of children playing with blocks is their understanding of language. The children absorb everything they hear, the color, the shape, the sentence structure, and our use of prepositions. The children that were provided blocks in the home, typically scored higher on language tests.  I will see if I can locate the article to share with you.

Please stay safe and dry. We look forward to seeing you in the morning.

Ms. Leigh











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