April 4, 2014
Our garden is planted; our sugar snap peas and green beans are sprouting. Dylan and her family gave our class a basil plant, a sage plant, two lavender plants, and a gift certificate to get some strawberry plants. Thank you. I know the children will enjoy the smells and tastes of the plants. It is so much fun to watch a child find a red strawberry on a plant they have watched everyday.
This week was full of picnics, outdoor fun, and even an outdoor music class. Hopefully, this weather is here to stay.
Please remember to put sunscreen (and bug spray, if desired) on your children as you get ready in the morning.
Rachel and I are happy to reapply it as needed. Just simply label any sun with your child’s name and we can keep it in their cubby.
I am starting a language lesson that has been a lot of fun the past two years. Please bring in pictures of your immediate family, and pets. Please label each picture with what you intend your child to affectionately call them. For example, if you prefer your child to call you “Mommy” versus “Momma,” please be sure to let us know. This is so fun for the kids. We will put together little books they can share and show their friends.
Dylan would love you to see her house.
It won’t be long now! Watch out Truman!
Clara loves a picnic. Look at this happy girl.
I’d kiss that kid in the mirror too. He’s a cutie!
We are just hanging out at the house. Come on over!
Clara is busy collecting all of the shovels before anyone else can find one.