Author: Rachel Tomovski

An insider view of MSPI…


Director’s Blog… So, what sets Montessori apart? So many things…the freedom children have to choose their own work, based on their sensitive period – what they are curious about and ready to learn. The inner self-discipline that is developed as a result of this freedom within limits. The beauty of real, natural wood, smooth, attractive … Continued

MSPI Teacher Spotlight


Nutrition for Infants & Toddlers  Guidelines compiled for parents  by Leigh Anne Roper, Infant Teacher at Montessori School of Pawleys Island  Adequate nutrition is essential to infant and toddler growth and development.  With today’s convenience of grocery stores it can be difficult to decipher which are the healthier options. Organic foods reduce exposure to pesticides, … Continued

Open Enrollment


Montessori School of Pawleys Island has ongoing open enrollment, as long as there is space. We welcome your applications for enrollment year round. Please contact us to set up a tour and classroom observation.

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