Category: Primary

Primary 3 April 24-May 1 2015


Spring has been a perfect time for us to explore our environment and nature.On Monday morning we were very excited to find that each of our six Painted Lady Larva were molting for the last time and making their transformation from caterpillar into a chrysalis. It is a fascinating process for our young budding scientists … Continued

Primary 3 April 20-25 2015


We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful week! The rain finally took a break and we had glorious blue skies and delightfully warm temperatures. It was a great week to begin our work on the plant life cycle. We sprouted bean seeds to explore germination. We planted the bean seeds after the roots began … Continued

Primary 3 April 13-17 2015


“Just living is not enough.” said the butterfly, “one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” ~Hans Christian Anderson     We have had an inspiring week with our butterfly and insect unit of study. Our students have been examining insect life cycles, focusing on the fascinating   metamorphosis of the butterfly. We are … Continued

Primary 3 March 29- April 2 2015


Primary 3 had a beautiful week full of weather discoveries and spring time activities. When it rains while we are at school, someone will always say “That is the precipitation from the water cycle.” Knowledge can be so empowering! The weather focus this week was extreme weather: thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes and blizzards. Our spring time … Continued

Primary 3 March 23-27 2015


     Primary 3 had an interesting week exploring the weather. We learned all about evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection: also know as the water cycle. Our students learned about the different kinds of clouds and the weather that they can produce. The children’s favorite works this week were the water cycle experiment and creating … Continued

Primary 3 March 16-20 2015


    The top of the morning to you! We had a a very Irish week in Primary 3. We learned interesting things many about Ireland: the land, the climate, the culture, the people, St. Patrick, and the legends. The legend of the leprechaun’s was very interesting and fun for all. Everyone had a lot … Continued

Primary 3 March 9-13 2015


Happy Friday ! Primary 3 has been busy with geology lessons this week. We are exploring inner earth and the result of magma rising and escaping through the cracks in earth’s crust: volcanoes!! We are learning  about the composition, state, density, and temperature of earth’s inner layers. It is very exciting to learn that it … Continued

Primary 3 March 2-6 2015


Primary 3 had an another awesomely interesting week exploring the herbivorous, carnivorous, and herbivorous dinosaurs that roamed our earth. We learned that a lot of what we know about these amazing creatures, was discovered by paleontologists’ study of their fossilized bones. It is so interesting to discover that many dinosaurs, including the fierce Tyrannosaurs Rex, … Continued

Primary 3 February 23-27 2015


      During the past week, Primary 3 has gone back in time to when dinosaurs ruled the earth. We are exploring the Mesozoic Era and learning about the prehistoric creatures that existed during the Cretaceous,  Jurassic, and Triassic periods. Extinction of these amazing animals has been a topic of our daily discussions. Due to … Continued

Primary 3 February 17-20 2015


     After the long holiday weekend, we read about President Washington and President Lincoln. Our students learned why we, as proud Americans, honor them and all of our Presidents, on the third Monday in February.   For the duration of the week, our class continued our study of China. On Thursday, we celebrated Chinese … Continued

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