Primary 3 October 21-25

Fall Festival
Fall Festival
Planting broccoli
Planting broccoli

photo (61)

Movable Alphabet
Movable Alphabet
 Spindle Box
Spindle Box

Primary 3 is finishing our study of the cosmos with an emphasis on the earth’s moon and the moon’s that orbit the other planets in our solar system. Our first and second years have been learning about space travel and what it would be like if they landed on the moon.

We have planted two kinds of cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower in our large garden boxes. Lettuce and spinach seeds have been sown in the planting boxes classroom. We will be transferring the plants to the large garden boxes when they grow and get larger.

The Fall Festival last Saturday was a great success. It was a fun time enjoyed by all both MSPI students, family and members of our community!

Our week concluded  with fall conferences on Thursday and Friday. It was so nice meeting with all of our student’s parents. We are so fortunate to have such  caring and supportive parents!



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