Primary 3 October 7-11 The Planets Revolve Around the Sun

Painting the Planets
Painting the Planets


Painting the cornhole boards
Painting the cornhole boards


The Solar System
The Solar System



Broad Prisms
Broad Prisms


Primary 3 has been exploring everything that there is to know about  the inner rocky planets in our solar system:  Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. We’ve discovered that Planet Earth, our home, is the only planet that can support plant, animal, and human life. We’ve imagined: what we would have to have in order to live on another planet? Would it really be possible? How would we get there? What would we wear?  What it be like, with very little gravity to pull us down? Our class had a great time  designing and drawing a space craft that could make it safely through the asteroid belt!

*Highlight of the week: eating scrambled eggs supplied by our very own hens!


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